




     冠状病毒  coronavirus


  corona:冠状物 (我们所说的 “日冕” 与 “光圈”,也是这个词)


新型冠状病毒:Novel coronavirus,此次的病毒也可以加上疫情爆发的年份,直接缩写为:2019-nCov


确诊病例:Confirmed cases

疑似病例:Presumptive cases

自我隔离:Quarantine yourself,生活中更口语的用词是isolate, stay in isolation 保持隔离状态

传染疾病:Contagious diseases

病毒爆发:Virus outbreak,spread是一个比较口语的表示病毒传播的词


被感染:be infected by

戴口罩:wear mask

N95口罩:N95 mask

医用口罩:medical mask

勤洗手:wash hands frequently and thoroughly

使用消毒剂:use disinfection

采取预防措施  take precautionary measures

体检  health checkup

制定计划  develop plans

支持员工的健康和幸福   support /ensure the health and well-being of the employees

实施政策 implement policies

疫情防控工作  epidemic prevention work

市政府  municipal government

急需的口罩  badly needed masks

减少贷款利率  loan interest rate cuts

疫情爆发  outbreak of coronavirus

出台政策   issue such policies

复工  resume work

维持市场稳定  maintain overall market stability

解决资本短缺 mitigate /appease capital shortage

有助于  be conductive to

中小微企业   medium, small and even micro enterprises

这些政策的重点A highlight of the policies

积极的中长期经济趋势   positive medium and long-term economic trend

加速发展数字和在线平台 accelerate digital and online platforms

继续为中国市场贡献力量  maintain our commitment to the China market

当务之急take top priority

强烈要求关注某事urge greater priority for sth


1、Medical workers are the pillar(支柱) in the fight against the novel cornonavirus outbreak.

2、stay in a state of high morale,energy and health

3、inhibit the growth of the virus

4、Due to a decrease in immunity

5、avoid close contact with ...maintain good personal hygiene  undergo checkups

6、Rapid, open and transparent sharing of data is threaten by rumors and misinformation

7、call for global efforts against ...

8、Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Chinese authorities have introduced policies and measures to respond to epidemic and help people get through difficult times.

9、power supply 电力供应

10、be infected with the virus /contract the virus

11、新感染病例量  the number of new infections   cases of infection  

12、感染的人 people infected with ....

13、rally the whole nation and adopt a string of unprecedented measures to contain and mitigate the epidemic

14、play an active role in global response against the outbreak

15、Now,the fatal infectious disease caused by "Coronavirus" is called as "Chinese Pneumonia">现在,由于“冠状病毒”所引起的致命性传染病,在网络上被称之为“中国肺炎”。

16、Before this outbreak, six coronaviruses had been identified in humans. Four caused relatively mild cold-like symptoms while the other two, Sars and Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers), can be fatal.



  ①the air by coughing and sneezing经由空气传播,比如咳嗽、打喷嚏

  ②close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands通过人与人之间的近距离接触传播,比如触摸或者握手

  ③touching an object or surface with the virus>通过触摸物品或感染病毒的用品表面传播,原因在于没洗手就触摸嘴、鼻和眼睛

  ④rarely, fecal contamination还有一种比较少见的,就是通过粪便传染


  ① Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.用肥皂或者用含酒精的洗手液洗手。

  ②Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow.咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用面巾纸或屈肘捂住口鼻。

  ③Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.避免跟有感冒或流感症状的人密切接触。

  ④ Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.将肉类和鸡蛋彻底煮熟。

  ⑤Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.避免在未加防护的情况下接触野生动物或家畜。


stay strong Wuhan!武汉加油!

stay strong China!中国加油!







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