

Passage 2

什么是赛百空间(cyberspace)?按约翰·帕利·巴洛的说法,赛百空间可以最言简意赅地定义为“你利用电话进行交谈时所处的空间”。 当然, 赛百空间之所云比打电话更广泛。它包括数以百万计的计算机用调制解调器通过电话系统相连形成的联网商业服务系统, 它接入当地高速信息网络、办公电子邮件和国际互联网之中。它包括发展迅速的无线服务系统:负责大量的手机信号与数据传输的微波发射塔;连珠似的运行于地球同步轨道上的通讯卫星;象怒蜂一样穿梭往返于地球与太空之间的低空卫星,它们把用线路联络显得太远或花费太多的人们联原来的电缆线,利用光缆和高速转换器建成的那种所谓的全方位服务网络那样。

Cyberspace, of course, is bigger than a telephone call. It encompasses the millions of personal computers connected by modems via the telephone system to commercial online services, as well as the millions more with high - speed links to local area networks, office E-mail systems and the Internet. It includes the rapidly expanding wireless services: microwave towers that carry great quantities of cellular phone and data traffic; communications satellites strung like beads in geosynchronous orbit; low - flying satellites that will soon crisscross the globe like angry bees connecting folks too far - flung or too much on the go to be fastened by wires. Someday even our television sets may he part of cyberspace, transformed into interactive teleputers" by so- called full- service networks like the ones several cable - TV companies are building along the old cable lines, using fiber optics arid high speed switches.

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