

考博英语 作文范文(三十)



My View on Popular Stars Migrating to ForeigCountries

考博英语作文 范文:

In recent years, many popular stars are reportedto have migrated to foreign countries.For example,a reputable actress last year swore under thenational flag of Singapore to become its citizen.She is claimed to have a Singaporean husband.Although those popular stars have the natural rightto choose their nationalities, and there are various reasons for them to make such decisions,once they have migrated to foreign countries, they are no more citizens of PRC. While somepeople hold that it is their natural rightto migrate to any foreign country, others categorizethose stars in the group of traitors in peacetime.


As far as I am concerned, their naturalization from China to foreign nation is notacceptable. Firstly,I agree with many observers that those stars have intentions of evadingtaxes. According to the relevant articles in tax regulations, stars that have changed theirChinese citizenship will be entitled non-citizen taxpayer status provided the duration andresidence meet required standards. This policy indicates that their earnings outside China aretax deductible. Besides, since these stars are no longer Chinese citizens, they will receivepreferential treatments such as tax reduction within certain period if they establish their ownbusinesses in China. Though there are no sound evidences on the relationship between taxevasion and migration, we are still justified to claim that tax evasion has been taken intoconsiderationby those stars based on various news coverage and columnists’ observations.


Secondly, many stars take advantage of migration to have more babies. Due to theimplementation of family control policy in China, the majority of families shall only have onechild. Once they are still citizens of PRC, they are not permitted to have a second child.However, there are no such family control policies in many foreign countries. In somecountries, birth rates are on the decrease to such an extent that the authorities have toencourage young parents to have more babies by providing additional welfare programs.This point can be illustrated by a famous director’s case. He currently holds the passportissued by the government of the United States and fathers two lovely sons.


On all accounts, those stars migrate to foreign countries for their own interests. But theyshould not forget the fact that it is China that gives them the opportunities to becomereputable. In return, it is their responsibility to repay their motherland, instead of desertingChina by changing their nationality in their own interests.


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